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We take responsibility for our partners and customers by adhering to the principle of fair business

SJG SEJONG recognizes the importance of ethical management and in order to instill this in its corporate culture, compiled and enacted a code of ethics. Our employees strictly adhere to our code of ethics to increase our competitiveness and fulfill our social responsibilities.

Our commitment
SJG SEJONG holds its social responsibility in the highest regard, and strives to grow and develop together with all related parties including its shareholders by improving its corporate value through progressive and effective management. As a publicly listed company, we seek to maximize value for shareholders by faithfully carrying out our duties and responsibilities, and socially, we aim to remain a reliable company though our social contribution activities and sustainable management. Continually high standard of ethics followed by each of SJG SEJONG’s employees is more of their choice than written regulations forced on them.
Basic Ethics To perform duties in an honest and fair sense based on high ethical standards. To uphold honor, not engage in any sort of misconduct and always put the interest of the company first when conducting duties.
Customer Satisfaction Management We always put value for customers first with our best technology and service. We respect the opinions of our customers and actively reflect them in our management activities.
주주에 대한 책임
Commitment to Our Shareholders We strive to create value for our shareholders through effective management.
협력회사와의 관계
Partnerships In conducting transactions with our partners, we seek mutual benefit and common development based on the principles of reciprocity, as well as fairness and transparency.
국가와 사회를 위한 공헌
National and Societal Contributions We comply with the various national and regional laws and regulations and contribute to local communities through voluntary community service.
혁신과 성장을 위한 노력
Commitment to Innovation and Growth Through unremitting efforts for self-development and growth, we are growing to become a top expert company.