We are engaged in various activities to create a better world and fulfill our social responsibilities.
Our management is not simply based on profits. We commit to fulfilling our social responsibilities in order to create a better world and a sustainable tomorrow. We will continue to go beyond simple volunteering activities to provide the people of the nation with happiness through financial support and continuous social contribution activities.
- Community Support for Those In NeedSocial Welfare
2006~ Community fund drive and voluntary activities (semi-annual)
2009~Charity Concert as part of Foster Care of the Elderly (annual)
Donation and support for welfare facilities
Visit and support for single-parent family (triannual)
Donation to Parentless Families (monthly)
Regional community fund drive and voluntary activities (semi-annual)
Voluntary Seoul Pops Orchestra Concert for the needy (annual)
2011~Donation to Korea Red Cross (Annual)
1-on-1 Support for Cambodian Children and Donation (monthly)
Regional Voluntary Activity (Briquet Donation)
- Educational and Sports Activity Supports for Prospective FutureEducation
2006~Donations to Korea Kumdo Association and Ulsan Kumdo Association
2009~Scholarship Donation to Korea University (for Years 2009/2012)
Supported Youth Football Club
Supported Young Adult Kumdo Association on regional basis
- Community-based Voluntary Activities to Share LoveCommunity Support
2009~Donation to Youth Study Room in Busan (annual)
2011~Donated Construction Services for Bus Stop
- Environment Preservation and Safety ActivitiesEnvironmental Responsibility
2004~Regional Cleansing Activities (Semi-annual)
2009~Donation to Environmental Protection Conference (Annual)
Donation to Victims of Cheonanham Incident
Donation to Victims of Yeonpyeongdo Incident
Donation to Japanese Victims of Earthquake
Donation to Victims of Disaster in the Philippines
- Volunteer WorksVolunteerism
2004~Volunteer Works for Namhae (Southern) Agricultural Areas
2009~Complimentary Catering Service for the Senior (Bi-monthly)